Scalable Solutions Consulting
Houston, TX 77090
United States
Digital Dashboard
Digital Archive Services
Never speak unencrypted again!
This is the end to end solution for communications technology. Cell phones local encryption, secure transmissions / conversations using impossible to crack encryption. Prevnet unauthorized distributions of your originated content (like pictures)
Digital Dashboard
This application allows management to view the entire process from a single Dashboard. Drill down though levels to find out exactly what the issues are and find out what activities are being done to solve any issues.
This Not For Profit site allows users to post prayer requests and distribute to an infinate prayer list or even global distributions. Donations to those with specific need or even purchasing fund raising items to help with specific prayer needs.
Digital Archive Services
Digital Archive Services is a massive series of online Highly Secure Image and Data archives. We utilize the most efficient database searches and indexing services for some of the largest financial institutions in the world. Your data is online and can be retreived by any method. We have an encrypted storage, transit and delivery system as well as an encypted web viewing system. All users and medical facilities may have access and set access to these images via a secure web console which exceeds HIPPA standards. We use multifactor authentication and ensure that each year audits are performed to ensure compliance with these standards.
Let your data and conversations only be with whom you wish.
Don't let theives or the government listen to your calls without your permission or proper legal process.
Record and have text copies of conversations. Post to social media or keep for yourself!
Copyright 2011 Scalable Solutions Consulting. All rights reserved.
Scalable Solutions Consulting
Houston, TX 77090
United States